"The man who never reads will never be read. He who never quotes will never be quoted. He who will not use the thoughts of other men's brains proves that he has no brains of his own ... You need to read".
I know that traditionally Pentecostal/Charismatics are not renowned for being theological with a passion to "search the Scriptures daily and see if these things are so" - in this blog I wanted to change that perception.
I noticed the other day that it has just had it's 1, 000 quote added! Ironically the 1, 000th quote was by John MacArthur.
I noticed the other day that it has just had it's 1, 000 quote added! Ironically the 1, 000th quote was by John MacArthur.
There are many other issues and authors that are worth reading about all added by my group of friends. Jesse's quotes are here. Scott's quotes are here. Julie's quotes are here and Pete's quotes are here (oh and my quotes are here!). What else may interest?
Rob Rufus's quotes are here.
"Together on a Mission 2007" are here.
Baptism in the Holy Spirit quotes are here.
Ephesians 4 Ministries quotes are here.
Hope to carry on adding quotes as they arise through reading!! And trust it proves of interest!!
I found this "Charismatic Post-It Notes" when perusing Jul's blog (Hi, Jul!) and I...LOVE IT! I am a quote-junkie anyhow, so this rrrrreally floats my boat. (Ahem. To mix metaphors. A junkie....floating on a boat.)
I'm linking it to my blog. That is how you bloggers say it, right? "I'm linkin' ya." *smile*
You have amassed a prodigious body of work on your various blogs, Dan. I am proud of you, and have a new respect for the work and dedication you exhibit.
In Him,
Thanks Sheila! So glad that it's of use to you and hopefully we will continue to make it a great resource ... im a quote-junkie too! Love listening to sermons purely for something to seize!
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