"A Healing Revival is coming ... it's going to errupt in the United Kingdom!! ... This anointing can go anywhere! ... Come on all you New Agers! I've got real euphoria for ya!".
I don't quite understand what is happening but these are such exciting days that we are living in! Something very unique happened to me at work today. I was sitting with a child in the lounge at the hospice feeding them some yoghurt and I was flicking through the channels on the TV trying to find a channel for the child to watch. And I happened to pass by God TV. Rodney Howard-Browne was ministering in Minneapolis and I paused momentarily to watch. As I did, Rodney was moving around the audience and he said this;

I have an unfortunate history with Rodney Howard-Browne. He was held up as Public Enemy Number 1 in the Toronto Blessing in my home church. And even though I am a charismatic and proud of it - but I guess if I am honest I have never been that keen on Rodney. But as he said; "Download" - I felt a firey rush all over me and I began weeping! I couldn't stop trembling and had to stop feeding the child because the Spirit of God was so present in that room in the hospice! I have been humbled by God - He will use WHOEVER He will!
History is unfolding as we watch and may it fall on us too!! May we not miss the moment!!
I must add this INCREDIBLE miracle we have just watched!!
A lady and her husband lived in Massechusetts (sorry if that's spelt wrong!) and didn't have the money to fly to Lakeland, Florida. So they DROVE (I gather that is quite a long way!) and slept over on the road and couldn't even get in the building.
Todd Bentley saw in a vision that this lady was outside and couldn't get in and he saw the crutch and gave a word of knowledge that she would be healed.
She came forward and marched on the stage with no aid at all. Todd prayed for her and said; "Anyone who feels led by the Spirit - come and give this lady money!". And I would guess 300 people filed forward THROWING money over this dear weeping lady!
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