I am thrilled to note that the "Glory and Grace Conference" from Sydney now have made their MP3's available - thanks to Jubilee International Church (Fini and Isi de Gersigny). It was a conference that I desperately wanted to go to but couldn't because of financial constraints so I am looking forward to hearing the riches of teaching. The testimonies alone are so exciting hearing what God did during that week! Here are the sessions:
Rob Rufus - Wednesday 26th March - Session 3 (19:00).
Furthermore it seems that Newfrontiers are making their videos of the Brighton conferences available free and online! They have only got "Together on A Mission 2006" sessions available so far. But for those who (like me) love seeing preachers speak visually and not just listen - this is well worth accessing. The other speakers may be of interest - men like Terry Virgo and Wayne Grudem. The highlight speaker for me was Dave Holden speaking on the Ministry of the Holy Spirit (aside from Rob of course!).

So there is that to listen to and access and fire your faith!
So enjoy - let's raise our expectation to the level of the Word of God! And let's look expecting for more! Because the tidal wave is coming - and it seems to me it is coming from Florida and from Hong Kong. So I believe the United Kingdom is going to get swamped in a deluge of spiritual rain from two directions! A double portion - a double blessing - the atmosphere in our land is changing. And the barren times are over. The sound of rain can be heard! The tremours of earthquakes can be felt by those who are listening and the powers of darkness are trembling.
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