I just wanted to draw attention to the fact that the wonderful City Church International have now made the audio sessions of the "Glory and Grace Conferences" both in Hong Kong last October and in Sydney last month available HERE ... absolutely FREE!!
These are absolutely amazing sessions where the power of God is so tangibly evident (even over the MP3!) - I am currently listening through the Sydney "Glory and Grace Conference" and loving the tangible Presence of God in the room!
By the way - on his latest Sunday sermon, Rob mentioned the fact that they have invited Patricia King and Josh Mills to the "Glory and Grace Conference" in Hong Kong next March/April. It's one conference not to be missed! Who KNOWS what God will be doing in Hong Kong by then? Maybe City Church International will have to be hiring the massive stadium there to fit everyone in. I'm saving already ...
I thought for sure you'd mention that they had 300,000 + hits in the month of April on their website.............!!!! (City Church International, that is.)
I only just heard that part of the sermon!! Was standing in the street waiting for Scott after work and almost staggered over!! 300,000 hits!?!??!?!!? That's the size of a town! And they're accessing this glory teaching!?!? The brushfire is spreading!! The dry embers of the Church are getting set ablaze!!
I know isn't it amazing???
Dan I wrote a whole spiel about the glory of last night's Key of David meeting here in Meridan Centre Havant near Portsmouth...because the Southampton guy who was on stage in Florida has returned and prayed over every one of us....unfortunately Google ate it, and whereas I usually copy stuff first in case...this time I didn't and it vaporised. The fourth yearly Conference on Glory is taking place May 15th-17th Thurs through Fri. If the Key of David meeting was like it was, goodness knows what is coming at the conference. People come from all over the place, many from around related churches in Spain and USA...though whether the Americans will be here this year!!!
The fact there are no postings must be good news.....that you have spent 4 days in the glory flat on your back in Dudley
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