(On the Florida Outpouring); "This is what Christians have been praying for centuries and into manifestation and the prophets are saying that it is contageous - it is tangible and it is transferrable. People have already taken it to dozens of cities around the United States. It is breaking out and they are having weeks of meetings every single night. It is breaking out in the United Kingdom. The prophets are saying it is going to break out in England and where do you think we are going?!?! I have already written to Graham Marsh where there are masses of people already registering for our Empowerment Conference where we are the main speakers. I wrote to him and said;
"I hear in my spirit that the great Eastbourne Outpouring is coming to England! Get ready! Tell the people we are going to see mighty signs and wonders!".
So our expectation is SO high! I can't believe it's just two days away!! I will report it in any way I can - definately type up everything I can see, pictures of what I can take and videos of what I can capture! Could it be that the fire breaks out in Eastbourne and spreads across our nation!? I had a dream about a tidal wave last year and I thought the coastline I saw was that of Brighton particularly in connection with Rob's visit to "Together on a Mission 2007". Maybe I was mistaken - maybe it's Eastbourne!!
Dan! Bobby Connors was on the stage in Lakeland last night saying "God's gonna bring a FIRESTORM to the UK! It's gonna rage rage rage!" He repeated what he'd said earlier about the anointing being distilled not diluted as it traveled further from the source. OMG I'm excited for you there, especially in light of Rob coming there. Fire on the UK God!! Fire on Rob and all those hungry for your presence. Get ready brother!
I saw it!! I was going to head off to bed because it was about 02:00 our time and something or Someone made me not sleepy so I saw it all - and that Dudley pastor Trevor Baker being anointed and receiving an impartation!! I was glued to the TV! Can't believe history is unfolding and being written before us!!
Thanks so much for your excitement - it means so much! UK is so dry and so needy of the coming rain! Let the firestorm come!!
Dan, I am excited for you!! Can't wait to hear the reports back on all that God does!!!!!
whoohoo!!!Have a great great time! I haven't forgotten about the rest of our Hong Kong report Dan, we've just been busy getting a house, yay!!! We'll start moving in on Sunday I think, and that means we have a place for you to stay this summer on your North American tour.
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